Only 10% of the brain’s energy goes toward conscious voluntary activities such as driving a car and doing math. The other 90% is automatic. This 90% is either preparing for a stressful situation (increasing the heart rate, pushing blood to our arms and legs in case we need to run, for example) OR it’s going toward homeostatic activity such as body regulation, adaptation and healing.

Fibromyalgia sufferers commonly feel as though their batteries have been yanked out of them before they even get out of bed in the morning. Their bodies are not able to get into that deep nights’ sleep that we all need so badly. Acids are not flushed out of the muscles and the restorative growth hormones are not secreted by the brain.

At our office, we remove pressure on the brain stem for Fibromyalgia sufferers. This helps the pons and medulla regulate parasympathetic/healing activity, so that given enough time, rest can become more restful and you can begin to recover over time.